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Tips to Prepare You For Acting Auditions

So you want to be a star. Or maybe just a community player. No matter how far up the strata of celebrity, you must know how to audition to land a spot. Here are some tricks to help you succeed:

Early Bird Gets The Part

Okay, so being early doesn’t automatically reward you with that starring role, but it sure does impress the casting director. Make sure when you arrive at your audition you get there 15 minutes early. You’ll beat the crowd, and most importantly, prove to your future director that you are punctual and ready to perform.

Look Professional, Not The Part

It can be tempting to put on a tutu and a crown when auditioning for the crazy neighbor role, but remember that casting directors aren’t judging you based on your creative wardrobe skills; that’s why they have costume designers.

Dress like you are interviewing for a job of a lifetime. Look clean, presentable, and business-like, so the agents know you are capable of impressing studio suit-folk. Don’t put on anything you aren’t comfortable in, though, as you want to be able to move around comfortably. So, skip the Jimmy Choos, unless you think falling over the edge of the stage will land you a comedy gig.

Research Pays

Before you audition, try to find out as much as you can about the company and the project you will be working on. Occasionally, casting directors will want you to tell them about yourself, and what a better way to impress than engaging them with a tidbit about how much you relate to the lead character, or how much you know about the previous Oscar they won (should you be so lucky). But careful, don’t strap on the sweet-talk too thick; you don’t want to be a brown-noser.

If you aren’t sure about which part you will be auditioning for, and there are no materials there to work with, make sure you are prepared with a 1-2 minute monologue that shows off your range and skills. And don’t get upset if you’re interrupted, sometimes directors can tell how talented you are in just a few lines.

Bring Your Ammo

This would be your headshot and resume. All professional actors carry at least five with them at the time of audition, because you just never know who might be interested in you if that particular role doesn’t work out.

You have to get professional and recent shots – that means no snapshots from your high school prom. Black and white is still the status quo, with a rundown of your performance highlights, awards, and training on the reverse side.


Chances are, you will be nervous at your audition. Many – maybe even hundreds – of people are vying for this role. But don’t let those nerves get the best of you. To appear like you’ve got things under control, smile like you just bought a new Mercedes (from that uber-successful role you played).

Whether or not you land the role, if you abide by these steps, you will increase your chances for success. Don’t be put-down if you don’t land it, though, as there are a variety of reasons that directors choose who they do. Maybe they just wanted someone a hair taller, or thicker, or smaller. Whatever the reason, it’s not personal, and shouldn’t stop you from trying again!

Karla News

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