Categories: Parenting

Tips to Get Organized: Home Organization and Decluttering

The stresses of day to day living can often overwhelm us, leaving us feeling that we have no control over what’s going on around us, even in our own homes. If our homes are disorganized and cluttered, it can easily overwhelm us. Activities as simple as looking for something, trying to decide where to start cleaning, or even where to store something can overwhelm us causes unnecessary stress. Decluttering and organizing the home isn’t difficult and it makes day to day life so much simpler.

When you get organized, you not only have an organized home and a clutter free home, but you have better time management. This gives you more time to do things you want to do or need to do, not to mention the benefits of less stress on the mind and body.

One of the first steps to getting an organized life is to declutter your home. Uncluttering the home gets rid of things that you no longer need or use. This can be clothes that you or the family no longer wear or fit into, books and toys the kids have outgrown, things that you keep that serve no purpose, papers ad magazines that have piled up over the months, etc. It it serves no useful purpose and isn’t being kept for sentimental purposes, it’s probably a good idea to toss it out. Once the clutter is gone, then you can begin to organize your home room by room.

Everyone has a different idea of how to organize their home and belongings. The best way is to organize for how you use things. Items that you use the most obviously need to be more accessible than items that are used less often. So you will want to organize used items in a manner that they can be easily obtained when needed.

Everything in the home should have a place, or its own home. When something is used, return it to its home after being used. Setting it down will often result in the item remaining where you put it down at. Get in the habit of putting things back where they belong immediately after use. This the main factor in getting and keeping an organized home.

Clean as you go. When you mess something up, clean it up. Don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight, don’t leave something spilled, don’t leave clothes in the dryer when they are done, don’t leave dirty clothes laying all over the house. Wash dishes as you go when cooking, clean up spills immediately, fold and hang clothing when dried and put away, and keep dirty clothes in one place in each bedroom or bathroom. Doing as you go keeps your home less cluttered and it saves you time because you’ve already done half the work.

Paper can pile up around the home faster than anything and lead to a clutter problem repeatedly. The best way to avoid your home being cluttered with paper is to go through paper items as they enter the home. Organize or dispose of the paper items. Paper items such as magazines, newspapers, grocery bags, coupons, receipts, notes written to remember things, and mail should be taken care of the same day they come into the home. Taking care of the paper trail is one of the main priorities in keeping the clutter at bay.

Clean out the bedrooms and bathrooms and closets. If you don’t need it or use it, toss it. If it’s seasonal, hide it in the closet behind the things you use all the time. Items in the bathroom that you don’t use should be tossed. Keeping 20 bottles of various shampoos that you bought and didn’t care for only takes up space. If you aren’t going to use them, get rid of them. If you have clothes in the closet that you haven’t worn since your last child was born 27 years ago, chances are it’s safe to let go of them. Boxes of packed items that have hibernated in the corners of your bedroom since you moved in seven years ago need to find a home in the closet or out the door.

Kitchen cabinets should be free of items you don’t use. Having 100 glasses that you never use only takes up space for something that you do use. If Aunt Jane bought you a dinner setting for Christmas ten year ago and you have never used it, it’s properly safe to pass it on. Obviously you don’t want to hurt feelings by giving away something that you received as a gift, but keeping gifts that you just totally hate only takes up space.

Get the entire family involved in keeping the home organized and clutter free. Even young children are able to put their toys in their proper place after playing with them. Everyone in the family should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Getting the whole family involved in home organization will ensure an organized life, plus teaching the kids good habits for later in life.

Once you have a clutter free home and an organized home, then you will want to keep it organized and decluttered. Keeping the home organized is fairly easy to do if you do something everyday towards home organization. But to keep it clutter free, it’s important not to bring clutter back into the home to replace what you just got rid of. The best way to solve this problem is to simply not buy what you don’t need. While it’s tempting when you run upon sales or good deals, the rule to remember is that if you don’t need it or have a use for it, don’t bring it home.

Karla News

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