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Tips for Girls Preparing for Prom

Dress Shopping

Girls Getting Ready for Prom!

Prom night. For some, this little phrase brings excitement and anticipation. For others, the very sight of it marked on the calendar causes nervousness and trepidation. Do you find yourself anxious about the upcoming prom? Relax a little and consider these tips. You just might find yourself looking forward to this special occasion more than you expected!

Don’t stress about your dress. Don’t worry if you can’t afford the most expensive and stylish gown. People (especially guys!) won’t be able to tell if your dress is not exactly new or extra pricey. Pick a dress that expresses your personality and that you don’t mind wearing all afternoon and evening. Try borrowing a dress from a friend or looking for good deals in department stores and resale shops.

Don’t hype out about your hair. As with your dress, you will want to select a hairdo that reflects your personality and that you will be comfortable with. Look through magazines, request ideas, or experiment on your little sister. Ask a friend to do you hair for the big day, or go to a salon. Bring flowers or jewelry and ask your stylist to add them to your ‘do.

Don’t mourn over your make-up. You can easily practice doing your make-up for days leading up to the actual prom day. Try different colors and see what will complement your dress. Treat yourself to a make-over at the mall. Some stores offer free consultations and make-overs, so check out your area for fun deals. And again, choose the look that you want and like.

See also  Shopping for a Prom Dress in San Francisco, California

Don’t dread not having a date. Some of the most fun times are spent with groups of friends. You might even be more relaxed if you are with casual friends rather than a guy you feel you have to impress. Remember that some girls might look like they are having fun with a date when in reality they are uncomfortable and wishing they were just hanging with their girlfriends. Years from now you will not regret being with good ol’ friends.

Take pleasure in the preparation. Rather than worrying over your appearance and how things will turn out, just enjoy the pampering and the chance to be fancy. Make dress shopping a fun girl-time with your mom. Go with a group of girlfriends for manicures. Take before-and-after pictures as you get your hair and make-up done. Have fun and don’t stress! You will look lovely!

Enjoy the event. Once you are beautified and ready, now focus on the people you are with and the fun activities. Your enthusiasm will put others at ease and help them to enjoy themselves too!

Have fun with friends. Although school seems to loom unendingly before you, try to keep in mind that before you know it you and many of your friends will part ways as you choose different paths for your lives. So make the most of the time you have with them now!

Make special memories. This event might have taken long to plan and prepare, but it will be over before you know it. Take lots of pictures! Do something special to commemorate the evening like going out for ice cream, sporting your formal attire downtown, or hosting a party at your home. Just remember, HAVE FUN!