Karla News

Tips for Getting the Back Child Support You Are Owed

Let me start by saying that the Attorney General’s office is overworked and understaffed. They are not involved in visitation or divorce disputes. They are only there to help enforce child support orders. The first and most important thing that you have to remember is that you have to stay on top of your business. They will not. Call them every week or two if you are not receiving payments. Call them to check on the status of your case. They have to make notes each time you call. These notes are very important.

If your ex calls, writes, or emails you about a job call the Attorney General’s office and let them know. If your child mentions a new job that mom or dad has, write that down and make a point to find out as much as you can.

Each time your ex pulls up in a different vehicle to see the kids, write down the color, make, model, and license number. This important when they have to serve papers.

Keep up to date addresses and phone numbers. Don’t be afraid to ask for it. It is your right to have it.

I cannot mention enough that you will have to do most of the work. I am afraid that if you have the misconception that they will do it all, you will be waiting a very long time!

Make a file to keep every single piece of paper that pertains to the case. That includes divorce decree, child support papers, copies of medical bills, any letters sent to or from your ex. Print copies of emails. You never know when any of this will become necessary.

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Please do not be afraid to speak up. Do not let your ex know that you are going to the Attorney General. You do not want them to have the chance to quit their job, or move, etc. The Attorney General’s office will inform them with the appropriate papers when the time is right.

We have found that hiring an attorney, a good attorney, is key in getting what is owed in our case. All cases are different, and the Attorney General’s office can be a great help if you stay on top of things. Unfortunately, in our case, the woman that owes us was able to build a house, buy a truck, a boat, and a travel trailer, while either not working, or while working jobs that did not pay enough for her to pay us! Everything has been in her dad’s name or her live-in boyfriend’s name.
That brings me to another thing to watch for. Please watch for aliases! You would be suprised at the lengths people go to to avoid child support. They will add one letter to their name. A woman will use maiden names, an exes last name, a live-in’s name. They will change middle initials.

Every little detail counts. So in ending, I can only wish you the best of luck. Remember that having a child is 50-50, and if you are raising that child, you are owed half the cost!