Categories: SPORTS

Tips for Buying a Karate Uniform

There is almost something magical about putting on a karate gi. When I wear mine, for some reason I feel like a different person. The uniform doesn’t make me stronger or a more skilled martial artist, but it does something to get me in the right mind set for training. There are many different manufacturers, styles, and weights of karate uniforms so it is important to find the right one for you.

When you shop on line for a karate gi the first thing you will notice is the different weights of the uniforms. Light weight uniformsare good for beginners and are the least expensive. They generally are 5-6 oz in weight and cost $30 or less. In my opinion these uniforms are best for kids, because they are constantly growing. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on something they are going to grow out of in a couple of months. When I first started karate I used a light weight gi. I didn’t really like it because the gi didn’t absorb sweat well and was constantly sticking to my skin. Another negative point about light weight karate uniforms is that they rip easily. If you are looking to purchase a karate gi I wouldn’t recommend getting a light weight one.

Medium weight karate gis weigh between 8-10 oz. They can cost as little as $40 and can run all the way up to $140 depending on the quality. These gis offer students the best of both worlds when training. If you are looking for a karate uniform that is still pretty light, yet strong enough to take a bit more of a beating then you are going to want to go with one of these. Shureido offers a nice middle weight, Japanese made karate uniform. It is a traditional cut, 100% cotton uniform recommended for warm weather training. If you are interested in this gi you can purchase them at Best Buy Martial Arts Supplies by clicking on the following link: Assorted high quality Shureido Karate Uniforms.

Heavy weight karate uniforms range between 12-16 oz. They usually start around $60 and can cost as much as a couple hundred dollars depending on quality, cut, and color. Heavy weight gis are my personal favorite. I find them to be extremely durable and have even done a bit of grappling while wearing mine. If you are looking for a nice, durable, heavy weight gi then check out the Ronin Brand Shiai Uniform. It is made from 14 oz. No 10 duck canvas from Japan. (If you know anything about gi material then you know that this is quality stuff). Shureido also makes heavy weight uniforms as well. If you are looking for a black heavy weight gi then make sure to click on the first link and it will take you to what you want. In my opinion heavy weight gis are the best. They are sturdy, last a long time, and absorb moisture better. Plus they look better than a light weight uniform.

When you are looking for a karate gi you will most likely be purchasing a white one since it is the traditional color. However, karate uniforms come in black, blue, and red, but you will have to discuss with your instructor to find out what is acceptable to wear. The more expensive, heavy weight gis come in two styles; tournament cut and traditional cut. The main difference between these two cuts is the jacket and pants length. Traditional cut uniforms will have full length pants and sleeves, where tournament cut uniforms are shorter exposing the lower leg and forearm.

The final point you need to know about buying a karate gi is the sizing. Karate uniform sizes are different than the everyday sizes you will see at the store. Usually each uniform has a size chart at the bottom of the page so if you just follow it you should be ok. For example I am 5’7″ and weight 150 pounds. I like to wear a 4.5 gi because I like my pants a little longer. I also know that when I wash my heavy weight uniform it tends to shrink a bit and I don’t like a short jacket or pants. If you have any questions about sizing you can always contact the site you are purchasing the gi from and they should be able to help you out.

Hopefully I have cleared up any questions you have about karate uniforms and you will be more informed the next time you purchase one. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to ask. I will help in any way I can. Happy training!

For more martial arts info and product reviews head over to The Last Ronin’s Blog.


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