Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Three Chess Tips that Will Change Your Game for Good!

After reading these tips and strategies you will increase your chess win rate and ranking easily. Just by following these simple tips your chess game will be a lot more solid. So without further ado, here we go.

1. Control the center:

It is vital that you take control of the center of the board at the beginning of each game you play. Advanced players know that attacks usually start at the center of the board. The center squares of the board is usually were the the most action is going to take place during the opening and middle game. This is why experts tell you not to move your knights towards the side of the board. The best place for your knights to develop and attack is in the center, where they have to most moves. For your bishops the best place for these guys to control the center is on the longest diagonals of the board. Mainly, because you control the center from here and this type of placement is both offensive and defensive. The best example of this is the formation of the Sicilian dragon. One of the most powerful formations in chess. Reason being it controls the center and it acts both as a offensive and defensive weapon.

2. Pawn Structure:

Pawn structure is very key to winning in chess. By having each pawn protected and structured for an attack will help you tremendously. Pawn structure is mainly beneficial to your end game. It is vital that you do not get careless and leave your opponent an opportunity to give you a double pawn structure. This means two of your pawns are on the same row. Positional players like to mess up your pawn structure at the beginning because they know it will be your downfall in the end. So remember protect your pawns with other pawns and avoid double pawns at all means necessary.

3. King Protection:

Yes, I know it is common sense. But you would be surprised to see how many people are careless. Make sure you are not leaving your king out to dry. Make sure your some of your major pieces are doing the job. Take advantage and castle whenever you need to. Your rooks and bishops are usually the best tools for defense while your knights are made for offense primarily. Your queen is your ace, so you can use it for both. It really just depends on what type of player you are playing. But at all costs protect that king and keep it out of danger.

Now if use all three of these simple tips in your game all at the same time, you will notice that most players under 1400 lack these simple tips. So using these three concepts alone will automatically beat them without them knowing it. However, once you get to the 1500’s, the players will get a lot harder because they know the same concepts you do. This is were your experience and knowledge of formations come through. Other than that, good luck and use these concepts to increase your skills of the game of kings.

Karla News

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