Categories: Nonprofit Information

Things to Donate to Women’s Shelters

Imagine it. A woman arrives at a shelter with her children in tow. She is battered and bruised, and she has nothing..only what she is wearing. She is sure he meant to kill her this time and she had to leave..had to make a break for it. There was no time to pack anything.

This happens every day at shelters all over the country. Women’s shelters rely heavily on donations, but often people don’t even know what to do to help. Here are some suggestions:

Gently used or new clothing and shoes for women and children. Kids of all sizes wind up at these shelters with their mothers, and often have no more than the mothers do..just what they are wearing. The shelter can use all sorts of clothing, even undergarments, to get them started, including outfits for school and job hunting.

Toiletries. Often you can get toiletries free or cheap using coupons and deals, but even if you don’t do that, consider buying a couple of extra soaps, shampoos, razors, toothbrushes, etc . the next time you’re shopping. Imagine what your life would be like deprived of these things. Because these things are used so often, they are often things that the shelter needs the most. Be sure to look into tampons and pads as well, as these are things that are often overlooked in donations.

Bedding and towels. Clean bedding is something everyone can use. Consider children’s bedding as well. Maybe a night with Spongebob sheets doesn’t mean much to you, but to a child desperate for normalcy, it can mean a lot. Also, something as simple as towels sometimes get overlooked when people are donating.

Toys and games. Most of the time, children have to leave all of their belongings at home. They are frightened, and maybe even bored in their new surroundings. Toys and games to pass the time and make them smile are fantastic donations.

Grocery or discount store gift cards. These can be used either by the women themselves, or buy the shelter to purchase food and other items that they have run out of.

School supplies. Children in school are often without their supplies when they go back. Paper, pencils, crayons, folders, glue, scissors, and notebooks can all be put to good use, and are inexpensive to buy new. Gently used backpacks are also great items to donate.

Books and magazines. Often the women in shelters just need to relax a little and reading helps. Once you are done with your reading materials, consider donating them for other women to read. Also consider donating children’s books.

Baby items. Diapers, medicine, wipes, blankets, toys, bottles, even formula are great items to consider for donation. There is rarely time to pack a diaper bag.

Cleaning products/household goods. Trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels….all of these are used by shelters on a daily basis and are usually needed constantly. They can even be picked up at the Dollar Tree or a similar store.

Food. Shelters can always use food to feed their residents, as well as to pack in kids’ lunches. Juice boxes, cereal, snacks, canned goods, etc. are usually welcomed.

Cell phones. These are given to women in order for them to dial 911 in an emergency, such as their husbands/boyfriends harassing them. Even though not activated, the phones can still call 911. Be sure to erase your personal information and deactivate the phone from your service.

Of course, you can always donate cash and the shelter can use it for operating expenses. These shelters are in place to give women hope, to get them back on their feet and to save their lives. Please consider donating to your local shelter.

Karla News

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