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The Slow Carb Diet: Does it Work?

I first picked up a copy of Tim Ferriss’ bestseller The 4-Hour Body in late September of 2011 after hearing many coworkers raving about the “slow carb diet.” Nearly a year later, I have lost weight and maintained that weight loss.

The Slow Carb Diet-What Is It?

Tim Ferriss’s slow carb diet is not a low-carb eating plan-let’s get that out of the way right away. I have tried low-carb diets in the past, only to end up a headachy, crabby mess a few days into ketosis. No, the slow carb diet includes plenty of carbs in the form of vegetables, legumes, and nuts. Eating slow carb means that you avoid processed food, grains of any kind, sugar, and starchy vegetables like potatoes. Instead you eat meat, veggies, and “slow carbs”-carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index and digest slowly. The basic rule of thumb is that you cannot consume anything white (white beans and cauliflower excepted). This diet emphasizes protein (in the form of meat and legumes), fat, and vegetables. If this sounds restrictive, keep in mind that the diet allows for one indulgent “cheat day” every week so that you can give in to your pizza cravings without guilt.

The Slow Carb Diet-Is It Easy?

One of the most important aspects of the slow carb diet for me is how easy (and how cheap!) it is to follow. Most of my meals contain a protein (often a can of tuna, hamburger, pork chop, or chicken breast), a legume (canned beans and lentils work great), and a vegetable. There is no guess work involved in any of this-no measuring, no counting calories, no figuring percentages. I eat until I feel full. Preparation time is normally very minimal, and my grocery bills are the smallest that they have ever been.

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This, to me, is the best thing about the slow carb diet. It isn’t complicated, and I can easily make a meal after work with no fuss. I never have to worry about what I’m going to make for dinner-I just mix up a combination of the foods I mentioned above. Eating out can also be very easy, particularly if you are eating at a steak house or a Mexican restaurant. Substitute starches for vegetables or beans and ask for sauces on the side, and you’re good to go. The ease of the slow carb diet makes it very simple to stick with, which may be why it is so effective a weight loss plan.

The Slow Carb Diet-So, Does It Work?

I can attest to the fact that, for many people, the slow carb diet absolutely works. I began this diet nearly a year ago and have so far lost 20 pounds, from 150 to 130. That may not sound like a huge weight loss in a year’s time, but I have a tall frame and had been attempting (mostly unsuccessfully) to lose those 20 pounds for the past five years. I’m currently at the same weight I was when I was a college freshman. I went from a size 8 to a comfortable size 4 (US). And what’s more, I’ve maintained that weight loss through several holidays and vacations.

Could I have accomplished this weight loss through other methods? I’m sure-but, not as easily as I have on the slow carb diet. I never feel hungry any more, and I don’t really ever find myself thinking about food as anything other than fuel for my body.

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There are other bonuses to eating slow carb that I’ve found as well. When I had blood work done earlier this year, my levels were all optimal. My doctor even said that my triglycerides were the lowest he’d ever seen in his years of practice. Now, this isn’t necessarily caused by the slow carb diet, and I’m not a doctor, so clearly I am not qualified to give anyone nutritional advice. This is just a bit of anecdotal information that I’ve found personally.

The Slow Carb Diet-Criticisms

No diet plan is going to be perfect, so of course there will be some criticisms of the slow carb diet. For me, I find that the simplicity of the diet can be a little boring. Tim Ferriss recommends eating the same sorts of meals every day. This can get a little tedious, and I often find myself struggling to invent new recipes out of the same foods. There are slow carb recipes to be found online, but these sometimes aren’t as strictly slow carb as they should be.

I’ve also occasionally wondered if one couldn’t get the same results from eating paleo, or from simply cutting out refined, processed foods. Many of our calories come from these types of foods, and just avoiding sodas, fast food, and processed snacks will probably result in weight loss. Perhaps there is no diet that one must follow if these things are avoided.

Ultimately, though, if you are the kind of person who needs the structure of a diet plan, and who doesn’t mind a little repetition in your meals, the slow carb diet can be incredibly effective. At least, for me personally that has been the case.

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Personal Experience
“The 4-Hour Body” by Timothy Ferriss