Categories: Opinion and Editorial

The Salton Iced Tea Maker: Easy, Strong, and Fast

I threw a tea party in the middle of the summer, and all of my girlfriends laughed as I bragged about the wonder of my brand new Salton iced tea maker. With its clear instructions listed on the pitcher itself, its durable strength, and its quick brewing, I felt justified in my bragging rights. After our fifth pitcher of iced tea, no one was laughing anymore. They could then understand the true genius and beauty behind the Salton iced tea maker and its delicious brew.

My Salton was a housewarming gift from a childhood neighbor. I had experienced the taste of the delightful tea that resulted from this particular iced tea maker, and I was thrilled to receive one of my very own. I had yet to actually use the appliance and was even more excited when I realized how easy and fast it was. The only piece of information required that is not listed on the outside of the pitcher is how many tea bags you should use. (Generally I use six, although such a decision obviously depends upon what strength the user likes her tea.) The necessary amount of ice and water cannot be forgotten as it is clearly marked on the iced tea maker itself, and beyond these ingredients, all we must do is allow the tea to brew.

Not only does the Salton iced tea maker create exceptional iced tea – every time – but it also makes delicious iced coffee. The basket used for tea bags or filters has separate settings for tea and coffee, and the instructions are exactly the same. It would be hard to misconstrue the detailed directions regardless of desired drink.

Living in a household that currently houses seven people, many kitchen appliances are discovered cracked or shattered on a somewhat regular basis. It is often a mystery how such accidents occur, yet it is not strange for any one of us to keep a special piece of kitchenware in our bedroom in order to protect and uphold its existence. The Salton iced tea maker has always been a part of this house, and never once has it been broken or damaged. Not due to a lack of use, of course, its durability has been proven in my mind, and I have no fear of missing my glass of iced tea whenever I find myself in the mood. The plastic pitcher has undoubtedly been dropped and crammed into the dishwasher numerous times, and the device itself sits on the counter amidst the other kitchen appliances that seem to explode or splinter from time to time. My Salton has outlasted all of the others, and I trust it will continue to live its generous life for years to come.

For anyone who prefers the taste of homemade tea, the Salton iced tea maker is a fast and easy alternative to brewing iced tea mug by mug, and its convenient pitcher can be placed in the refrigerator if any tea happens to be left over for the next day. I hope to never have to buy another iced tea maker, but if I do, I am certain I will stick with the Salton. It has kept me refreshed and happy thus far.

Karla News

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