Categories: Television

‘The Mentalist’ Top Three Red John Episodes

The hit CBS show “The Mentalist” is an interesting adaptation to a traditional procedural crime drama. The main character Patrick Jane, played by Simon Baker, is a writer who uses the interesting stories behind each criminal investigations as inspiration for his writing. What started out to be a simple hobby has now turned into a full time endeavor as he seeks revenge for the murder of his wife and daughter. His presence in the public eye on the serial killer ‘Red John’s case landed him in a world of hurt when that same killer targeted him. Jane now is motivated by revenge as the serial killer tries to hurt him by going after the people he cares about most. This brings us to the three best episodes of “The Mentalist”, three of the episodes where Jane deals with his tormentor ‘Red John’.

Season 3 Episode 4

In this episode Jane gets one of this most important questions answered. The case involves a man Max Winters whose wife was murdered several years ago. The man who murdered his wife was put away in jail but new DNA evidence has released him. Surprisingly Mr. Winters seemed calm and ready to forgive the possible murderer of his wife but the man is killed. He was hit by one person and shot by another in the head. The question is which action came first. Which action killed the man and which was over-kill. It turns out that Mr. Winters tampered with evidence to get the convict out of jail so he could kill him but someone beat him to it. The criminal was already dead when Winters shot him in the face with a black-market gun that could not be tied to him. Jane figures this out and makes sure Winters does not get prosecuted, Winters gives Jane a gift at the end of the episode. It’s a gun… that won’t be tied to Jane… a gun he can use when he meets Red John again. Max Winters let’s Jane in on a little secret, that shooting the man responsible for his wife’s death was the single most rewarding experience.

Season 2 Episode 23

Jane meets face to face with Red John in this episode. The acclaimed psychic Kristina is on her first date with Jane when they are pulled away will the news that Red John may have returned. It turns out to be a copycat and Kristina goes on a talk show to speak directly to Red John. This is similar to what Jane did last season that got his family killed. The fate wasn’t much better for Kristina as she was kidnapped and episodes later returned somewhat alive, if that’s what you would call it. Jane also finds himself strapped to a chair as he watches the Red John copycats murdered by Red John himself. Face to face the two meet and Red John spares Jane’s life, only to continue to torment him.

Season 2 Episode 8

In this episode Bosco’s team was searching for a murder suspect. Little did they know that they stumbled on the work of the famous serial killer Red John. Famous not only for his signature emoticon but also for his obsession with destroying all that’s important to Patrick Jane. Bosco’s team got too close for comfort and were shot and killed by Red John. The surviving members of the team know that Red John is still active and still taking out those close to Patrick Jane. He must be stopped before the rest of the team become victims.


Season 2 Episode 8

Season 2 Episode 23

Season 3 Episode 4

EP Guides : The Mentalist

Karla News

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