Categories: History

The Lost City of Atlantis: Was it Really a Minoan Empire?

Many discussions have taken place surrounding the fabled lost city of Atlantis. According to accounts by the philosopher Plato the ancient city possessed technologies that were advanced far beyond the modern world in which Plato lived, and yes the city was swallowed by the sea, destroyed in but a single day and night. Theories have surfaced everywhere about the origin of the city or if it even exists, but new evidence has surfaced that the city did exist and had ties to another very ancient and well known civilization, the Minoans!

According to Plato’s account of Atlantis, it was a city of the colors, black, red, and white. These three colors made up the majority of the buildings and décor of the doomed city, and yet we see the same pattern in the Minoan civilization and ruins of their civilizations around the world. Minoan architecture often used dyes or stones that were red, black, or white, and even their writings, paintings and so on have these three colors repeated throughout their works. This may seem like a small detail, but your talking about two cultures that are using art schemes that are unlike any in the ancient world, where everything is white, grey, and light.

Atlantis was supposed to be the home to ancient technologies that were to surpass anything Plato knew of in his life time, and his writing suggest that the entire Western world did not have the technologies of Atlantis until much later on in history. The Minoans were the same, only not as advanced as Plato described Atlantis. Minoan’s commonly had hot and cold running water, Septic systems, ways to erect huge monuments and transport goods, advanced astronomical skills, the list goes on. The fact that the Minoans rivaled larger civilizations such as the Romans, and the Greeks is a feat in itself, but to surpass them? It is quite possible that Atlantis would have also possessed many of these same technologies.

Now we look to the religious aspect of the Minoans and Atlantians. Minoans worshiped the Bull as their main idle, and believed that this animal was sacred among all others. Now this belief is not all too uncommon in the ancient world, but still we see evidence left by Plato that the Atlantians also worshiped the Bull as their main idle. Again other civilizations at the time did indeed see the bull as their main idle, their thing to worship, but the fact that both the Minoans and Atlantians worshiped the same idle further strengths the arguments for their connection to on another.

Last we have to look at the Egyptian connection. It is theorized that Plato was not the first person to write of Atlantis, although he gives us our first and only plausible written accounts today. Some researchers and scholars believe that it was the Egyptians that told of Atlantis. The Minoan civilization was one of Egypt’s closets trade partners and thus the reason why the Minoans were able to build and afford such amazing and advanced devices at their time, and so Atlantis could have been the same way. If Atlantis was a Minoan civilization then the fact that Egypt would have supplied them with the money and means of building their empire then that would explain a lot and fill in many gaps.

As time marches forward we are learning more and more about the ancient civilizations and even about the lost city. The similarities between the Atlantian’s and the Minoans are there but are those similarities enough to prove that the empire of Atlantis was indeed a Minoan settlement? If this were the case it may provide vital clues in the continuing search for the ancient city that Plato described to us those many thousands of years ago.

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