Categories: Seniors

The Expatriate Lifestyle: Are You Cut Out for Living Abroad?

The life of an expatriate isn’t always an easy one. Living abroad can be an eye-opening and beneficial experience for your entire family. Before signing on the dotted line, however, put finances, schools, and all the other pluses to the side and ask yourself: Am I cut out for living abroad?

Living abroad requires a special type of person. Expatriates are often amazed by how closed-minded they have been about the world before they arrived in their new country. Even if they have been world travelers prior to moving abroad, visiting abroad and moving abroad are two different situations. European expatriates, for example, may be overwhelmed by all the traveling and diversity available at their fingertips. In addition, it can be very eye-opening to realize that Americans are not viewed as highly all over the world as many would like to think. Expatriates and those re-locating abroad more temporarily often find that there will be a settling in period as they adjust to new world around them. Adequate support during this period is essential, and expatriates should research where they’ll find this support before they depart.

Americans with a strong support network of family and friends in the United States may realize that though the adventure may sound tempting, it’s difficult to start from scratch when you arrive in a new country. Though any move requires that individuals make new friends and form new social networks, a move abroad may complicate things with language and cultural barriers. Even those who are outgoing and make friends easily may have a difficult time adjusting to the completely new environment and may find that they are reluctant to attempt to make friends at first. Making friends can be especially difficult while living abroad for those expatriates that are shy or have a hard time reaching out when they first meet people. Distance from family can often be overwhelming when moving overseas, especially when children are involved.

Food, drink, and customs in other countries can be amazing for the expatriate to experience. A pint at a Irish pub, haggis and blood pudding during a Scottish breakfast, and fireworks displays for Guy Fawkes Day celebrations in England are all wonderful examples of how experiences can be different and wonderful for the expatriate. However, even those who are immersed in and enjoying life abroad may miss the comforts and traditions of home. Longing for a fountain Pepsi, coffee from Dunkin Donuts, or Thanksgiving turkeys and cornucopias? Even if these things seemed to be tiny details in the states, expatriates may be surprised to realize how much they miss them when they move abroad.

The expatriate lifestyle is one that offers wonderful opportunities to everyone involved. However, before signing on the dotted line and boarding the plane to a foreign country, be sure to consider whether or not you have what it takes to live abroad. Not everyone does, and individuals can save themselves lots of tears and heartaches by examining their motivations and feelings fully before the move.

Karla News

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