Categories: People

The Execution of Saddam Hussein Abd Al-Majid Al-Tikriti

On the eve of Saddam Hussein’s execution, hanging by death, there has been jubilation from the many oppressed people of Tikrit, and yet there are many staunch supporters of the past dictatorship that still hang its bloody head over Iraq. In death he might become the martyr that is dreaded by the ongoing violence and terrorism that plague the region.

Saddam Hussein was born April 28, 1937; his birth religion was Sunni Muslim.

It has been well documented that Saddam supported and embodied the Ba’ath Party in his beginning political career. Saddam held his Presidency from July 16, 1979 to April 2003, and ruled in an authoritarian design of fear and unnerving respect. Early in his Presidency Saddam had established a working and healthy relationship with the United States Government and the CIA, but things later would grow sour due to his lust for power.

Saddam had accumulated an estimate of nine billion dollars from Iraq’s oil, due to his repeated repressions against the Shia, Kurdish and Marsh Arab populations; this was his ending valor that once held prominence with the United States.

The beginning of the Iran-Iraq war that lasted from 1980 to 1988 was the end growing near; his desperation to rule began to fall as the US occupation of Iraq was dominant.

The death sentences and chemical warfare that Saddam preyed upon his people would come back to haunt him in the occupation of the Gulf War in 1991, many of his cabinet members became nervous at the distaste that Saddam displayed in ignoring the United States plea for his progression into Saudi Arabia, and also his preoccupation with the escalating terror that was growing at an exponential rate.

Saddam Hussein Presidency and Government collapsed in 2003 by the might of US forces and coalition help. But was Saddam used as a pawn in the desperate attempt to thwart terrorism at its root?

Unfortunately the master that has spawned terror throughout the new world has escaped the clutches of justice; none other than Osama Bin Laden, his vast network of terrorist cells have created disruptions in all avenues of economic and social unrest.

Has Saddam received the justified sentence? Many people from all walks of life may agree and there will be others that may say life in prison would have been a more justifiable sentence.

Life in prison may have been a better way for him to spend each and every day reenacting his conscience remembering all the atrocities that he had committed.

For many life in prison has humbled their perspective in all the wrong that one has committed against another, when your freedom you have no more you realize how precious it is.

There may be no regret among the terrorist that take innocent life into their misguided cold heart, and true justice may be bookmarked peace and negotiation for the many that thirst for peace.

Saddam Hussein death may have been final, but the war in the Mid East rages on, there will be no end in the violence until the fire of insecurity is extinguished by love and replaces the hate and mistrust that has spawned the haunting collusion.

Karla News

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