Categories: Diseases & Conditions

The Dangers of Lasik Eye Surgery

Any surgical procedure involves danger, risk, and potentially fatal results. This is also the case with Lasik eye surgery. Before you even speak with a physician, do the research. Understand all the dangers of Lasik eye surgery and be willing to accept them (assuming you are still interested in undergoing the surgery). If you are unwilling to accept the dangers of Lasik eye surgery, then consider an alternative solution such as getting glasses or contacts. Or, merely wait and be patient until the time comes that you feel comfortable undergoing Lasik eye surgery. There is nothing to be gained from rushing it.

Possible dangers of Lasik eye surgery include:


This condition occurs when the surgeon unintentionally cuts too deep into the eye tissue. It is a very rare occurrence, and causes permanent distorted vision. To avoid getting keratectasia, just make sure you get your surgery done at a medical office, and not in the basement of some ‘cheap’ but most likely untrained Doctor.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a very common side effect of Lasik eye surgery. It is a temporary ailment that can be relieved by using artificial tears such as Visine.


Although the risk of infection after Lasik eye surgery is relatively low, it has been known to occur. Surgeons will typically prescribe antibodies after surgery to help lessen the chance of infection.

Poor Night Vision

Poor night vision from Lasik eye surgery usually occurs when your surgeon misses a spot or two around the cornea. It causes inability to see accurately at night, also causes you to see glares in your vision. Once again, rely on a very well trained surgeon to perform your Lasik eye surgery. The more experienced the surgeon, the less likely that you are to suffer side effects such as poor night vision.

Over/Under Correction

If a surgeon over or under corrects your vision during Lasik eye surgery, this will lead to blurry vision. It is like putting on your friend’s glasses. It is a very uncomfortable and annoying condition that oftentimes leads Lasik surgery patients to have to once again rely on glasses and contacts for corrected vision. It is an antithesis to the whole Lasik eye surgery process. Thankfully, over or under correction can be corrected. However, I do not recommend using the same lousy surgeon for the procedure!

Permanent Loss of Vision

This is by far the worse side effect of Lasik eye surgery. Although extremely rare, it has been known to occur.

I am not trying to deter you from seeking Lasik eye surgery. My only concern is that you research it well, and that you choose a well-qualified Doctor. Choosing cheap is NOT an option with Lasik eye surgery. If anything, be prepared to pay a huge sum of money for high quality Lasik eye surgery. Money can be regained. Permanent loss of vision cannot be regained!

Karla News

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