Categories: Prose

The Dangers of Gambling – There is More at Stake Than Your Money

Gambling, the worlds greatest get rich quick scheme. An almost certain destructive force. But, what really happens to the families if this “expensive” activity? What is the real cost of gambling? And what can you do to help those you love who are suffering from this horrible disease? Hopefully, by the end if this article you will understand the risks and be able to make a more informed decision.

To start things off we are going to look at the actual cost of gambling. What a lot of young people do not know is that there is more than money that is at stake. Your family and your friends may also be at stake. Your entire way of life could change if you do not know where to draw the line. As your friends realize that you have a problem they will probably try to help. As they try to help you, you could grow annoyed with their efforts. So they desert you. I have seen it happen. Next will be your family because you spend all of your time at the casino. Blowing every penny you have earned. Next you could fall behind on you house payments. Next thing you know the bank is foreclosing and you have no where to turn.

As your family tries to help you, it will seem like it is a lost cause. Depending on how far the disease has progressed. If it has the full grips on you then you will be a slave to the boat as I have come to call it. You will spend every free minute that you have there. And you won’t spend time with the family you love. They will grow tired of the let down. Always Hoping you won’t go but knowing where you are. Your wife could feel betrayed and your kids might not be able to look up to you anymore. Personally, I don’t think it is worth the cost.

If it is your family member who is going through this, what you should try to do is be supportive and understanding. Understand that it is a sickness. Both physical and psychological. They feel the need to go. They get a rush from the bets they place. They don’t mean any harm. Understand that 9 times out of 10, they are their to try to make things better for you. They do this with good intentions. One thing you can count on if nothing else, they are setting an example. They are showing you how things could be for you if you follow their steps. Its not at all easy but they need you support and love.

You probably would like to know why I have such strong feelings regarding this issue. To be completely honest it is because I am living through it myself. My father is a victim of compulsive gambling. He lost his house, his credit, and has put his family through a very rough situation. He didn’t mean any harm. But no one every does.

Karla News

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