Ten Ways for Men Over 50 to Look Fabulous

Men over 50 should pay attention to ten simple suggestions for looking fabulous. According to expert Susan Smith, President of A Sense of Style, age is not an barrier and a big budget is not necessary to look sharp. However, properly fitting clothes, the right colors, and good grooming are critical. Susan’s suggestions are actually quite simple.

Wear more color
Try opposites on the color wheel. Orange with blue, red with green, purple with yellow. A navy suit, white shirt and solid tie do get boring. Mix patterns carefully but stylishly. When you’ve got the colors and scale right, a discreetly dotted tie goes with a small check shirt. Wear color close to the face for a more youthful, fresher image. Save that all black look for somber occasions and learn to think beyond beige.

Invest in a good belt
If you’re wearing that old belt which has seen better days and shows the dents around the holes you can no longer fit into, get rid of it. Invest in a good quality brown and black reversible belt with an understated buckle.

Buy one or two good pieces
A cool sport coat, a leather jacket, or a great pair of jeans that you will wear often is a good idea. Take a woman shopping and get it right; you won’t be sorry.

Dark jeans work
Men over 50 look great in dark ink colored jeans, like Levi 501s. (Think of Ralph Lauren himself.) Stick to dark denim, forget the trendy ripped, rumpled and bleached ones, as they are just not for you. Take the old, baggy ones to a charity shop. Not too high-waisted (even Simon Cowell got the message) and not too low, like your son prefers.

Tuck your shirt in
That will sound familiar. The old school rules still apply, whether it’s a dress shirt, a casual shirt or a polo shirt. Avoid short-sleeved dress shirts. Save that look for golf, tennis, beach, Hawaiian or Guayabera shirt, or your next visit to the tropics.

Shine those shoes
Good shoes in good repair is a point that cannot be over-emphasized. Clean and polished is the way to go, whether in slip-ons or boots. Sneakers are acceptable, too — clean ones. Don’t wear socks with sandals, ever. In fact, don’t wear sandals except at the beach.

Wear a classy watch
If you have a great watch, replace the strap to smarten it up. Men should not be wearing much jewelry at all, so a good watch is the main event. No need to break the bank, as there are cool brands like Diesel, Fossil and Kenneth Cole. Or, shop for vintage.

Get some cool shades
Sunglasses tick off two categories for the 50-plus. Aside from looking stylish and relaxed, a good pair of shades protects you from squinting. So, keep those wrinkles at bay by spending a bit more for the best sunglasses you can afford.

Details matter
If you like French cuffs, wear interesting cufflinks. Remember to wear dark socks. Small patterns on socks are fun, but leave the gym socks in your locker. No tie jewelry, please. Tie clips and tacks have been out for decades. Use a good cologne sparingly.

Grooming, please!
Get regular haircuts and ask the barber to see to the nose and ears while you’re at it. Designer stubble works on some, but keep it tidy and trim. Same goes for a beard or a mustache, if you insist. Don’t be tempted to dye your hair. The black shoe polish look is not a good one on the head and red tones don’t work either. Buy whitening strips for the teeth and if a unibrow looms, smart advice is that tweezing or waxing is not purely the domain of the ladies. Finally, keep nails trimmed short and clean.

That’s it, gentlemen. A fox at fifty-plus is easy, after all. You’ll know when you’ve got it right, as compliments will come rolling in.

Karla News

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