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Ten Best Songs for a Road Trip

Road Trip Soundtrack

Road trips are a great excuse to delve into your music collection and make a great soundtrack that will help the miles fly by. Here is my top ten list of best songs for a road trip. Enjoy.

10 It’s the End of the World As We Know It by REM

When you’re bored in the middle of your road trip, play this song three or four times on your road trip soundtrack and compete to see who can spout off the most words. Loser pays the next gas stop.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

9 Lateralus by Tool

After you’ve been driving for hours across the deserts of the Southwest or the corn fields of the Midwest, that’s a great time to pull out Tool and contemplate the mysteries of the universe and the purpose of life.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

8 All You Need is Love by The Beatles

This should definitely be included on any soundtrack to a road trip, because after 16 hours in a car with your friends or family, you might need a reminder that love is all you need.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

7 Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song is a must for your road trip soundtrack because it’s a song about going on a road trip! This is a pretty chill song and is best to add to your road trip soundtrack when some of your passengers are trying to nap.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

6 Sleep While I Drive by Melissa Etheridge

Perfect for a road trip soundtrack because it’s about a road trip and gives a shout-out to several of your favorite pit stops. Like RHCP, this road trip song is appropriate for late nights when your passengers are snoozing and you’re pushing through for that next hundred miles.

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Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

5 Voodoo Chile by Jimi Hendrix

At more than 15 minutes, this classic is both awesome and time-consuming, making it one of the best songs for a road trip soundtrack. And while you’re at it, you can throw in the Stevie Ray Vaughn version and see who in the car is savvy enough to tell the difference.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

4 I Can’t Drive 55 by Sammy Hagar

Who set these speed limits? Obviously not a person who has been driving for 8 hours without a bathroom break and has just downed 3 Red Bulls and two bags of chips.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

3 Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver

Perfect song for that home stretch when your road trip is almost over. Or, if you happen to be road tripping through West Virginia. A great sing-a-long too.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

2 Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Because you know everyone in your car has seen Wayne’s World one too many times. This is one of the best songs for a road trip because everyone can sing a different part.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

1 Take It Easy by The Eagles

“Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.” Some of the best advice a road trip soundtrack could give you. Consider adding some more Eagles to your road trip soundtrack, they have a lot of great driving music.

Buy the MP3 by clicking here.

Tips for choosing the best songs for a road trip:
*Choose long songs to eat up those minutes on the road.
*Choose songs that are high energy. The road is hypnotizing enough without chilling out to Pink Floyd or torturing yourself with Easy Listening music– you want the driver to stay awake, don’t you?
*Choose funny or happy songs for your road trip soundtrack instead of angry, sad or emotional songs. Unless you want it to be one of those road trips where all your innermost feelings and issues are spilling all over the seats…
*Consider everyone in the car and try to include everyone’s musical tastes. I once had to road trip from Oklahoma to Colorado while the driver played nothing but ABBA the whole time. I seriously considered walking from mid-Kansas.

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