Articles for tag: Genital Wart, HPV, Warts

Do Genital Warts Cause Cervical Cancer?

Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is a serious STD that can cause cervical cancer in women. However, there are many strains of HPV (more than 40 that can infect the genitals), including common warts on the hands and feet. In fact, 90% of HPV viruses are cleared out of the body within 24 months, and most ...

Getting Rid of Genital Warts

Not all genital warts need to be removed. If they aren’t hurting you or interfering with your bodily functions, then it might be better just to leave the wart be. According to the Mayo Clinic , about 30% of genital warts will go away on their own. However, if the genital warts are interfering with ...

How to Get Rid of Warts

Treatment helps prevent common warts from spreading to other parts of your body or to other people, but common warts may recur after treatment, and they may be a problem. Warts are a type viral infection; there are more than 100 types of HPV viruses. Warts can grow on any part of your of your ...

Karla News

What Exactly Causes Warts?

Warts are a skin condition that few people want to talk about. Yet, many people live with warts. There are several kinds of warts common warts, foot (Planter) warts, genital warts, and flat warts. People can have one or a combination of these types of warts. While there are different wart types, each type of ...

Karla News

Dr. Scholl’s Freeze Away Wart Remover Review

Freeze Away is a quick and effective at-home medical treatment for killing the fungus that causes warts. Common or Planter warts are not health damaging, warts are embarrassing and can prove to be emotionally damaging. About 7-10% of the population are affected by warts. Warts generally go away by themselves in two years, but two ...

Can Genital Warts Be Cured Naturally?

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. When a patient becomes infected with genital warts, a doctor will normally prescribe a topical cream, such as Aldara, as a treatment. In some cases, genital warts may be severe or long-lasting and may require removal through laser, burning or freezing treatments. Although all ...