Venomous Snakes

Venomous Snakes of Arkansas

There are a total of six venomous snakes in Arkansas. With fall approaching, it's a good idea to become familiar…

2 weeks ago

How to Identify a Coral Snake

There are four different basic species of venomous snakes which live in the United States. The Coral snake, on average…

2 months ago

Missouri’s Venomous Snakes

Missouri has 44 species and subspecies of snakes, and of these 85% fall into the "harmless" category. That is to…

4 months ago

Surviving the Bush: Treating a Rattlesnake Bite

Growing up as a resident in rural a desert community can provide a great deal of excitement. There may not…

4 months ago

Poisonous Snake Bite Vaccine for Dogs

Red Rock Biologics produces a poisonous snake bite vaccine for dogs. The poisonous snake bite vaccine is specific for Western…

6 months ago

Should Pythons Be Banned as Pets?

The fear and emotion following the strangling death of a two year old child in Florida by a Burmese python…

9 months ago

Identifying Venomous Snakes of North America And Dealing with a Snake Bite

Venomous snakes receive a much worse rap than they deserve. Contrary to what Hollywood would have us believe, venomous snakes…

2 years ago

Poisonous Snakes in Texas

Welcome to my article about poisonous snakes in Texas, which tells which live there and hopefully how to avoid them.…

3 years ago

Poisonous Snakes in Florida

Florida has its share of poisonous snakes and dangerous reptiles. Of course Florida is more known for alligators but there…

3 years ago

Venomous Snakes of Southern Illinois

Southern Illinois is known for the Shawnee National Forest and for the variety of outdoor activities available from fishing and…

3 years ago

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