Vaginal Pain

Diagnosing Vaginal Pain

If you've ever experienced vaginal pain and irritation, but your doctor couldn't diagnose you with a specific condition, you're not…

8 months ago

What Causes Chronic Yeast Infections?

Most women will suffer from at least one vaginal yeast infection in their lives. The pain, itching and inconvenience of…

2 years ago

Vaginal Pain During Menopause: Why Estrogen Deficiency May Not Be the Blame

Each year, thousands of American women seek out the medical attention and advice of a gynecologist for pain associated with…

4 years ago

The Urge to Pee: What Does It Really Mean?

We all know what it feels like - that 'time to start looking for a bathroom' feeling. Urinary problems are…

4 years ago

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

As an acupuncturist specializing in women's health and fertility, I see women regularly who are concerned about ovarian cysts. An…

4 years ago

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