Treatment for Bipolar

Physiological and Psychological Effects of Bipolar Disorder

An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression, is a psychological disorder that causes the person to…

2 days ago

Bipolar Women and Divorce

Bipolar disorder is a serious psychological condition that causes periods of severe depression that alternates with periods of manic behavior.…

2 months ago

Homeopathic Treatments in Bipolar Disorder

"I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder over 15 years ago. During that time I've tried many different medications such as…

4 months ago

How I was Treated for Bipolar Disorder

Treatment for bipolar disorder is not simple. Even if a treatment for bipolar disorder works for awhile, it may stop…

3 years ago

Toddler Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder often called manic depression is a serious chronic condition. Toddler bipolar disorder is a very real issue that…

3 years ago

Bipolar Disorder: Alternative Treatments

As someone who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I have tried and researched many different treatment options. I would…

4 years ago

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