
What is a Tic Disorder?

A tic disorder is a condition that typically afflicts young children prior to adolescence, and comes in a few different…

9 months ago

Childhood Tourettes Syndrome: One Family’s Story

It all began benignly enough. In January 2004 I noticed my six-year-old son, Kage, shaking his head frequently. It almost…

2 years ago

Tourettes Syndrome: Understanding Involuntary Movement and Tics

What is Tourettes Syndrome? Tourettes syndrome is a hereditary disorder that affects the nervous system. There are varying degrees of…

2 years ago

Teaching Students with Tourette’s Disorder

As a teacher and adolescent mental health therapist, I spent over 15 years working with students with a variety of…

3 years ago

Facts About Tics and Tourette Syndrome

What is a Tic A tic is a sudden involuntary, rapid, recurrent motor or vocal action. They can be divided…

3 years ago

Methylin Side Effects

Methylin comes in either a liquid form or pill form. Since it is used primarily to treat ADHD, many people…

3 years ago

Adderall XR: Dangerous Side Effects

Adderall is a drug that some doctor's refer to as a "watered down Speed". The drug is made up of…

4 years ago

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