Articles for tag: Aerogarden, Tomato Cage

Karla News

Hydroponic Tomatoes Are Easy to Grow

Hydroponic tomatoes to some might seem like a new invention, but all that a hydroponically grown tomato is is a tomato that is grown using water, nutrients, light, and air. Now my main experience with hydroponic tomatoes was done using my Aerogarden system which is a hydroponic system in that it does not use soil ...

Karla News

Growing the Unusual Tomatillo Plant

With Spring just around the corner, it will soon be time to start thinking about putting in your garden. This year add something new and different and plant the tomatillo plant, a distant relative of regular tomatoes. This plant looks like a normal tomato plant and is grown just like the tomato, but the resemblance ...

Karla News

Top Ten Tools for a Vegetable Garden

Every Spring I plant a small vegetable garden for my family. I make it a habit to ask my son what he would like to grow and to learn about, and I always get the same answers: pumpkins and carrots. I don’t mind because every year he learns something new about the plants and also ...

Karla News

Heavy Duty Tomato Cages

Tired of flimsy store-bought tomato cages falling over and are too short to support a tall tomato plant? In this article you will learn how to build your own heavy duty tomato cages. The same tomato cages that many farmers rely on to keep their tomato plants supported and growing throughout the season. There is ...

Cucumbers: Health Benefits

Cucumbers health benefits are quite numerous along with being very delicious. First, is a cucumber a fruit or is it a vegetable? Since the cucumber develops from a flower and has enclosed seeds it is botanically classified as a fruit. They have often been recognized and enjoyed as vegetables just as the squash and tomato. ...

Karla News

Easy Project: How to Make Tomato or Pole Bean Cages

Vegetable gardens can take up a lot of space, especially when planting things like tomatoes, pole beans, peas, and squash. To make more efficient use of the existing space we had, our family built a series of wire cages that allow vegetables to grow up instead of out. These tomato cages are made of welded ...