
Meiji Restoration: The Reformation of Japan and the West as an Example

The era of Tokugawa had ended, thrown apart by a group of young reformers from the clans of Choshu and…

8 months ago

The Impact of the Meiji Restoration

The Meiji restoration had a deep impact on Japan. The restoration, besides restoring power to the Meiji emperor (which, in…

2 years ago

The Meiji the End of Feudalism in Japan During Tokugawa’s Rule and Western Treaties

The foundation of the Meiji got established during the Tokugawa rule of Japan. Under the Tokugawa, Japan became united and…

2 years ago

The Role of the Meiji Government in Early Meiji Economy

The early years of Meiji were a crucial time for the fragile new government, but the ambitious young government officials…

2 years ago

Gulliver Visits Several Marvelous Countries

Jonathan Swift was a caustic satirist. In the first two parts of "Gulliver's Travels," the satiric elements play second fiddle…

4 years ago

Emperor Meiji: One of the Most Famous Emperors in Japanese History

Emperor Meiji was one of the most famous Emperors in Japanese history and is known as the 122nd emperor in…

4 years ago

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