Articles for tag: Lava Rocks, Rock Collecting, Toads, Tree Frogs

Karla News

Creating a Vivarium for Frogs or Toads

Fire bellied toads, green tree frogs and white’s tree frogs can be house in the same manner, using a vivarium. My sons are into 4-H and have been doing a wide variety of projects not only with nature and science but with pets. With their help, we created this small twenty gallon vivarium for frogs ...

Karla News

Beneficial Animals for Your Garden

Like insects, animals in your garden can either be a source of concern or a welcome addition. There are several animals that you want to visit your garden regularly or make it their home because of the benefits they provide, these are known as beneficial animals. It is important for every gardener to differentiate between ...

Karla News

Pet Frogs and Toads Can Carry Salmonella

When my daughter was a year and a half old, I found a green tree frog hopping through my house, much to the interest of my cats. I caught the little guy in my hands and– knowing he’d naturally become dormant in the winter– decided to keep him until spring time. For the next several ...

Karla News

Natural Living: Toad Homes for Your Garden!

You might be asking, why would I want to set up a toad complex for homeless toads? The answer is easy – they are awesome garden keepers. They are a great project for kids to work on, do you remember when you used to catch toads, and the fun you had? For parents and kids ...

Karla News

The Fowler’s Toad Caresheet

Scientific Name: Bufo woodhousii folweri Description: This toad is often mistaken for the American Toad, however they are very different. Unlike the American Toad, the Fowler’s Toad is not very plump or squat. It can be identified by a long white stripe that runs down its back and by counting the warts on each darker ...

Karla News

Gulf Coast Toad Care

Gulf Coast Toads The Gulf Coast Toad or Coastal Plains Toad is known in the scientific community as either Bufo nebulifer or Bufo valliceps. These toads live in the southern United States, especially around the Gulf of Mexico in Texas and Louisiana. After their larval stage, they live primarily on land, but return to water ...