Thumb Sucking

Thumb Sucking as an Adult and Quitting

Thumb sucking in adulthood is not only a social affliction, but an emotional one. Thumb sucking for many adults (including…

8 months ago

Thumb Sucking: Breaking the Habit

Before breathing, before birth, children will suck their thumbs. Sucking is a natural reflex that is practiced and coordinated prenatally…

2 years ago

Thumb Sucking Cures for Older Children

Thousands of kids start life out by sucking their thumbs. It has even been proven that some kids begin sucking…

2 years ago

ThumbGuard & FingerGuard Product Review

Thumb or finger sucking can be a habit that seems impossible to break in many children and can cause severe…

3 years ago

Home Remedies to Stop Thumb Sucking

The causes that lead to the habit of thumb sucking have long been a mystery. Parents have tried a host…

4 years ago

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