The Titanic

A Brief History of the Titanic

The year was 1912. It was the Golden Age of ocean liners. Airplanes were still very new, so the only…

2 months ago

Luxury Watch Made from Titanic

A watchmaker in Switzerland has created a new line of very limited, luxurious watches, each made from pieces of the…

8 months ago

Items Retrieved from the Titanic: Vinolia Soap Survived

Who isn't familiar with the tragic history of the Titanic? Even before the 1997 movie Titanic, which depicted the evening…

3 years ago

Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri Features Artifacts and Interactive Exhibits

The sinking of the Titanic has fascinated people for almost a century. Interest in the tale of demise of the…

3 years ago

Interesting Facts About the Titanic

~ At over 882 feet long, the Titanic was longer than any building of the time was tall. To further…

4 years ago

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