The South

The Cause of the Civil War

It is widely believed that the Civil War was about the issue of slavery. It's possible that's why some men…

2 days ago

Strengths & Weaknesses of the North and South During the Civil War

Between 1861 and 1865, the North and the South waged war against each other in what remains the bloodiest war…

3 months ago

All About the Breed: South Russian Ovcharka

Also known as the Loujnorousskaia Ovtcharka, South Russian Sheepdog, Yuzhak, and the South Russian Shepherd Dog, the South Russian Ovcharka…

8 months ago

The Battle of Vicksburg: The Turning Point of the US Civil War

When people think about all of the battles fought during the United States Civil War, the most famous is the…

2 years ago

The Difficulties of African-Americans During the Reconstruction Era

With the end of the Civil War in 1865 African-Americans still had fewer rights than white people. Even with the…

3 years ago

Guide to Fall Annuals in the South: Perk Up Your Garden with Some Fall Flowers

Because I live in Georgia, writing this article about annual fall flowers should be easy as pie for me. I…

4 years ago

The American Civil War: The South’s Secession

Why did the South want to secede from the United States? Many believe that the main issue was slavery. The…

4 years ago

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