The Iliad

Timé And Areté In the Iliad

In book nine of the Iliad, Odysseus emphasizes to Akhilleos the two paramount values of the Grecian warrior society, Areté…

2 days ago

The Dialects of Ancient Greek

Ancient Greek was never a homogeneous language like many modern "standardized" languages. The language of Homer's poems was not the…

1 month ago

Fate in Homer’s Iliad

Talking about fate as about the only force that determines the human actions means to refer to a term that…

3 months ago

Differences Between Achilles, Odysseus, and Hector in The Iliad and The Odyssey

Three of the main characters in the books of the Iliad and the Odyssey are Achilles, Odysseus, and Hector. Achilles…

3 months ago

Extra Book in Homer’s Iliad?

There is a degree of controversy regarding whether book 10 of Homer's Iliad was part of the Iliad's original composition,…

4 months ago

The Iliad: Honor Through Victory and Vengeance

From the beginning of the epic to its finish, the distinguishing element that was most prominent in the Iliad was…

5 months ago

The Iliad as an Historical Source

The approach of historiography requires an approach through the records that outlast the events that take place, namely the literature,…

3 years ago

The Heroic Ideal: Greek V. American

To define "hero" is not to define the substance of a culture, but rather the projected ideals of it. Whether…

3 years ago

How to Write an Epic Poem

The epic poem is one of the earliest and most enduring forms of literature in our history. The first works…

3 years ago

Shields of Achilles and Aeneas: Homer’s The Iliad VS. Virgil’s The Aeneid

In Homer's "The Iliad" and Virgil's "The Aeneid," the epic heroes Achilles and Aeneas are each gifted with a mighty…

4 years ago

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