
Green Neon Tetra Fact Sheet

Green Neon Tetra Fact Sheet The "Green Neon Tetra", "Paracheirodon simulans", is closely related to the Neon Tetra, Paracheirodon innesi,…

6 months ago

Red Eye Tetra Fact Sheet

Red Eye Tetra Fact Sheet The "Red Eye Tetra", "Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae", has a number of other common names, these include:…

2 years ago

The Neon Tetra: Great Introductory Freshwater Tropical Fish

Tetras run the gamut in terms of size, color, temperament and popularity. For the vast majority, these freshwater tropical fish…

2 years ago

Lemon Tetra Fact Sheet

Lemon Tetra Fact Sheet The Lemon Tetra , Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnisis an attractive and lively fish reaching a maximum length of…

2 years ago

Penguin Tetra Fact Sheet

Penguin Tetra Fact Sheet The "Penguin Tetra" is actually two related species, "Thayeria boehlkei" and "Thayeria obliqua". The easily seen…

2 years ago

The Vampire Tetra (Sabertooth Barracuda)

The vampire tetra is an uncommon fish to see in your local fish store, but chances are larger LFS (Local…

3 years ago

The Emperor Tetra: King of Tropical Fish!

The Emperor tetra is another beautiful species that is associated with the tropical aquarium hobby. This tetra known as nematobrycon…

3 years ago

Serpae Tetra Fact Sheet

Serpae Tetra Fact Sheet The Serpae Tetra, Hyphessobrycon eques or,Hyphessobrycon serpae is a very attractive little fish. It comes from…

3 years ago

Silvertip Tetra Fact Sheet

Silvertip Tetra Fact Sheet The "Silvertip Tetra", "Hasemania nana", is occasionally called the "Copper tetra". It comes from the Sao…

3 years ago

Emperor Tetra Fact Sheet

Emperor Tetra Fact Sheet The Emperor Tetra, Nematobrycon palmeri, is a beautiful fish. It is one of the larger Tetras,…

3 years ago

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