Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath’s Cut

Cut by Sylvia Plath For Susan O'Neill Roe What a thrill-- My thumb instead of an onion, The top quite…

2 days ago

“Lady Lazarus” Poem by Sylvia Plath

In "Lady Lazarus," Plath confesses her several attempts to commit suicide. In the second stanza, it seems like she kills…

1 month ago

A Critical Review of Ted Hughes’ The Birthday Letters

Her husband. That is how the late poet Ted Hughes is best known today. Not as 's former poet laureate…

5 months ago

Why the Best Parental Poems Always Seem to Be About Daddy

Parental poetry very often examines the emotional foundations built upon the relationship between child and father, rather than child and…

9 months ago

5 Ways that Prove You Are Obsessed with Death

Everyone, from time to time, get anxious when they think about it (DEATH). It is scary for some people and…

2 years ago

Analysis of Sylvia Plath’s Poem Mirror

Sylvia Plath's poem Mirror is an objectively serious poem which reveals the similarities between poems and the obsessive interest in…

2 years ago

Sylvia Plath’s Motherhood Poetry

Sylvia Plath was a uniquely troubled individual, whose originality of vision was reflected by her often dark, brooding poetry. Through…

2 years ago

Analyzing “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932. She was born into a world in which the man was dominant.…

3 years ago

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