Spiderman 3

Shopper’s Guide to Buying Spiderman 3 Toys This Holiday

Superheroes seem to go in trends depending on the movie's release. In the eighties with Tim Burton's Batman and Batman…

8 months ago

What Should Happen in Spiderman 4, 5, 6?

In a previous article I wrote about how I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to make three…

2 years ago

Spiderman 3: What a Tangled Web We Weave

Upon leaving the theatres for Spiderman 3, I thought to myself, "Wow. I really wish that I'd checked rottentomatoes.com ahead…

4 years ago

Review: O’Neil Theatres in Lisbon, Connecticut

With home entertainment on the rise and the release of Blu-ray and HD-DVDs, many people are getting the theatre experience…

4 years ago

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