Snake Bites

Snake Bites in Horses

Having spent thirty years in the combined equine and veterinary fields, I am well aware of the danger of rattlesnakes.…

2 months ago

Surviving the Bush: Treating a Rattlesnake Bite

Growing up as a resident in rural a desert community can provide a great deal of excitement. There may not…

4 months ago

Rattlesnakes Are Plentiful in Montana’s New Subdivisions

According to the Humane Society of the United States, there are about 250 species and subspecies of snakes in the…

8 months ago

Identifying Venomous Snakes of North America And Dealing with a Snake Bite

Venomous snakes receive a much worse rap than they deserve. Contrary to what Hollywood would have us believe, venomous snakes…

2 years ago

When Your Pet Snake Bites

Many times bites from snakes are due to owner negligence. Carelessness can mean getting bit and many experienced snake owners…

2 years ago

Snake Bite Urban Myths: What You Should Not Do If You are Bitten by a Snake

There are scores of urban myths floating around about snake bites and the proper methods with which to treat them.…

2 years ago

Poisonous Snakes in Florida

Florida has its share of poisonous snakes and dangerous reptiles. Of course Florida is more known for alligators but there…

3 years ago

Snake Bites in Dogs: Treatment and Prevention

It's not very uncommon, our dogs betting bit by bees, wasps, ants, and snakes. Our dogs go with us everywhere!…

4 years ago

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Facts

Crotalus atrox, more commonly referred to as western diamondback rattlesnakes, are called the largest rattlesnakes in North America. They measure…

4 years ago

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