
Shorthand for the 1970s: Pop Culture Artifacts from the Me Decade

Shorthand for the 1970s for Hollywood tends to mean little more than disco, platform shoes, sideburns and the dry look.…

4 months ago

Parents’ Guide to Texting with Their Children: Abbreviations, Shorthand and Other Tips

One of the newest commercials out today that is hilarious if you understand how texting and instant messaging conversations run…

5 months ago

Teeline Shorthand: How it May Be Helpful

So, you decided you want to learn shorthand. Which one to pick? Teeline shorthand is a good choice for many…

2 years ago

Gregg Shorthand: Not a Dead Skill

As late as the 1980s, Gregg or Pitman shorthand was taught throughout the United States in both high schools and…

3 years ago

Text Messaging Acronyms — the New Shorthand

Text messaging has become the communication of the future; and, to be honest, I almost missed the boat. I had…

3 years ago

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