
Causes of Civil War in Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia had always been a troubled state as a result of the mixture of diverse ethnicities and religious beliefs. Formed…

2 months ago

The Bosnian Civil War: Important Terms to Know

Between March 1992 and November 1995, the Former Republic of Yugoslavia broke up violently in a devastating civil war, leading…

7 months ago

Serbia’s Role in Former Yugoslavia

When the Austria-Hungary empire fell after World War II, a new country was born. Yugoslavia was created by the victors…

2 years ago

Novi Sad, Serbia: For Tourists

Nestled on the Danube, this capital city of the Serbian province of Vojvodina welcomes tourists as it rebuilds itself in…

2 years ago

Buy Slivovitz Online

Slivovitz is a brandy spirit made from distilled and fermented plum juice. Especially popular in the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Hungary,…

3 years ago

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