Schedule C

Tax Consequences for Independent Contractors: How Much You Pay as a Self Employed Individual?

Many people today are accepting jobs with companies who have elected to pay them as independent contractors rather than as…

2 weeks ago

Tax Deductions for Writers: Get Your Money’s Worth

It's that time of year again. Writers everywhere are casting desperate glances around their workspace wondering where the money's gone.…

2 weeks ago

Are College Stipends Subject to Income Tax?

When you attend college you may receive scholarships, fellowships or grants. You might also receive stipends to cover expenses, or…

2 months ago

New Reporting Requirements for Schedule C of Form 1040 for 2011 and Beyond

If you are the sole proprietor of a business and you file Schedule C with your federal income tax return,…

4 years ago

When Do You Have to File Separate Schedules C with Your Tax Return?

If you are the sole proprietor of your business, when you file your federal income tax return you would generally…

4 years ago

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