
What Causes a Dog to Cough?

Like humans, dogs have a mechanism for relieving irritation of the throat or airways which we classically know of as…

1 day ago

Does Your Cat Have Worms?

What to do if you suspect your cat has worms? Many cat owners face this common problem. These worms can…

2 months ago

The Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

As October ends and November begins, many families will have an abundance of leftover pumpkins. Most people simply discard the…

3 months ago

Intestinal Parasites in Dogs and Cats Can Cause Severe Health Problems and Can Be Fatal

Hookworms This parasite is most commonly known to occur in puppies but sometimes will occur in older dogs. This type…

2 years ago

Worms You Can Get from Dogs

Your child has pinworms again, and you suspect the dog is to blame. But before you point the finger at…

2 years ago

Types of Internal Parasites in Cats

Internal parasites in cats can be hard to detect. Not all parasites produce symptoms, but also, many cats are well…

2 years ago

5 Common Puppy Worms

Parasitic worms are commonly found in puppies. These worms may be transmitted by the mother to their puppies or they…

2 years ago

How to Grow an Italian Herb Garden

Italian herbs such as basil, parsley, oregano and rosemary are what gives Italian food its distinct flavor. Bring a little…

4 years ago

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