
Roulette: A Winning Strategy

Playing roulette can be a relaxing way to enjoy the casino. You have no decisions to make other than where…

4 weeks ago

Roulette Odds and Betting Systems

Roulette, awe, how I love the whoosh of that silver ball as it whizzes around the wheel. The excitement, the…

4 months ago

A Timeline of Roulette History

Origins of Roulette History The tale of roulette history begins in France in 1655. The man responsible for the creation…

8 months ago

TheDeer Hunter Review: Analysis on Masculinity

Just from analyzing the title, Deer Hunter,one would never assume that this film is about the Vietnam War. What is…

2 years ago

Win Money Playing Roulette

I really love roulette and have won big dollars several times gambling on the game. I have also lost but…

2 years ago

Why Roulette Strategy Doesn’t Exist

Come on, man. What are you doing here? Seriously. I know what you're up to. If you're even bothering to…

2 years ago

My Personal Roulette Winning System

I came across a lot of winning strategies for the game of Roulette on the internet. Some are good, some…

4 years ago

Roulette – Can You Beat the Wheel?

Casino gambling wouldn't be the same without the roulette wheel. Since the days of 007 and James Bond, the casino…

4 years ago

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