Richard Wagner

Little Known Facts About Neuschwanstein, Germany’s Fairy Tale Castle

I have had the great good fortune to travel to Germany two times. While I have loved almost everything about…

1 week ago

Name Those Classical Music Tunes

Recently I was told about a website where you can record 10 minute-long sound track of a tune that you've…

4 months ago

The Role of Music in the Catholic Wedding

If you are having a Catholic wedding, there are a few things to consider regarding the music. It is wise…

8 months ago

Traditional Wedding Music for Your Wedding Ceremony

A beautiful wedding is the dream of many women, including myself. I remember wanted a perfect day, a perfect dress,…

2 years ago

Opera 101, Part 3: the Male Voices

In a previous article I discussed the various female operatic voice types. It is now time to talk about the…

4 years ago

Hey! I’ve Heard Those Opera Tunes Before!

Even if you aren't a fan of opera or classical music, unless you have been living as a jungle hermit…

4 years ago

Popular Royalty-free Classical Music Composers

In the world of popular royalty free classical music the following famous composers' musical works certainly rank at the top.…

4 years ago

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