
Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue: Different Arrangements & Criticisms

Probably no other serious work written in America has exceeded the impact of George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue." With Gershwin…

4 days ago

Chopin’s Polonaise in a Flat Opus 53

I just recently wrote an article on Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2; I saw it befitting to write an article…

1 month ago

Ten Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy Best Buy’s Rhapsody Music Service

Best Buy partnered up with a service called Rhapsody that allows you to download music and burn it to a…

2 months ago

ISP Review: Comcast vs. AT&T;

Is one Internet Service Provider better than the other. Can one ISP company provide faster uploads and downloads than the…

4 months ago

Rhapsody Vs Napster Vs Yahoo Music Unlimited

There are so many different music subscription services out there, such as Rhapsody, Napster and Yahoo Music Unlimited, that who…

3 years ago

Bands: How to Sell Your Music on iTunes, Rhapsody, and Amazon Without a Record Label

If you're an independent band or solo artist trying to compete with the majors, it is important that you make…

3 years ago

Rhapsody Music Service Review

Finding on-line music is pretty easy these days. With free sites like Pandora, Playlist.com, and even youtube, you can listen…

4 years ago

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