Religious Tolerance

Driving Ideas of the Philosophes Movement.

The Philosophes were a group of eighteenth century French Enlightenment thinkers who believed in three central ideas: progress, Deism, and…

3 months ago

The Origins of Wicca: Fact and Fantasy

First the facts. Wicca is a modern, pagan, New Age faith that emphasizes worship of nature and communion with it.…

5 months ago

The Enlightenment Effect on Government

The Enlightenment caused people to question all aspects of life. It is best said by Kant "Dare to know! Have…

4 years ago

Roger Williams: Founder of Rhode Island, the Baptist Church, and America’s Religious Tolerance

Roger Williams was born in London, circa 1603. Likely, being aware of the numerous Puritans and heretics being burned at…

4 years ago

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