Psychological Egoism

Kant’s Philosophy in the Modern Era

Kant's philosophy has always been studied in the Western philosophical circles there is a large body of is a product…

1 week ago

Friedrich Nietzsche’s Moral Philosophy: A Summary

In Beyond Good and Evil, one of Friedrich Nietzsche's most famous works, he condemns the popular moral philosophy of his…

4 months ago

The Best Philosophy Podcasts on iTunes

It's hard to find anything philosophical in the U.S. unless you are looking for a book or something on religion.…

2 years ago

Prenatal Gender Selection and Its Implications to Our Future

Prenatal gender selection is an issue that has been raised by the new technological advances in science. Parents can pick…

2 years ago

Psychological and Ethical Egoism

Egoism is the theory that ones self is, or should be, the motivation of ones actions. There are two main…

4 years ago

Review of philosophy cosmetics

The unique lower case spelled product line of "philosophy cosmetics" have been on Oprah's List Of Favorite Things for a…

4 years ago

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