
IPOL Polio Vaccine Ingredients

IPOL is the Tradename for the polio vaccine manufactured by Connaught Laboratories. The IPOL polio vaccine ingredients include, may not…

2 weeks ago

What is Bulbar Poliomyelitis?

Acute poliomyelitis is a highly contagious viral disease which ranges in severity from inapparent infection to overwhelming paralytic illness and…

4 weeks ago

The Polio Vaccine: What the Manufacturer’s Package Insert Tells Us

"Use of either Salk or Sabin vaccine will increase the possibility that your child will contact the disease. It appears…

5 months ago

Polio: Is the End in Sight?

Polio is a paralytic disease caused by a short, single-stranded RNA virus. Poliovirus is currently found as 2 serotypes in…

8 months ago

The Polio Virus: Lifecycle

Polio is an infectious disease that has haunted the lives of many for over 3,000 years. The first record of…

3 years ago

Dr. Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine

Perhaps one of the most important scientists of the twentieth century was born on October 28, 1914 in New York…

4 years ago

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