Peter Falk

Movie Quotes from The Princess Bride

"The Princess Bride" is one of my favorite films of all time. It was released in 1987 and stars Cary…

1 month ago

Movie Review: the Princess Bride

"An instant classic. The goodtime movie of the year." -- Peter Travers, People Magazine. "One of the funniest and most…

2 years ago

Famous Detectives’ Character Gimmicks

Television characters we follow, whether in books, the movies, or on television, exude personality. We recognize them immediately and identify…

4 years ago

The Top Ten Columbo Episodes

In February of 1968 a short, disheveled, seemingly incompetent detective debuted on television investigating the murder of a psychiatrist's (Gene…

4 years ago

My 10 Favorite Movie Quotes:Life Lessons Learned Over Popcorn

When I saw this my first thought was how perfect it was for me. This one, I thought, should be…

4 years ago

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