Pet Dander

Adult Onset Asthma – Symptoms and Prevention Tips

Asthma has long been viewed as an illness which presents and gets diagnosed during childhood and overlooked as a potential…

2 months ago

Coping with Human Allergies to Dogs and Cats

Many Americans who are allergic to cats or dogs have either or both of them as pets and continue to…

3 years ago

Loratadine (Claritin) Allergy Medicine Works for Dust and Pet Dander

As a person that has severe dust, and pet dander I have tried just about every prescribed and over the…

3 years ago

Air Purifiers Pros and Cons

All it takes is a quick Internet search to find that the number of brands and types of air purifiers…

3 years ago

Home Remedies for Your Allergy Symptoms

Facing the change in season with raging vigor is an impossible feat if pummeled with the dreaded allergy. Visiting an…

4 years ago

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