Paranormal Investigators

Haunted America: The Ghosts of the Jefferson Hotel & the Grove in Jefferson, Texas

Welcome to Jefferson, Texas, the small southwestern town with old-fashioned attractiveness that features charming elements that adds contrast to days…

5 days ago

Birmingham’s Haunted Sloss Factories

A famous site in Bimringham, Alabama that seems to be very haunted is the Sloss Furnaces. These furnaces operated as…

2 weeks ago

Haunted America: The Ghosts of the Fairbanks House in Dedham, Massachusetts

The oldest surviving timber-frame house in America is located in Dedham, Massachusetts and it is also rumored to be the…

3 months ago

Are Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

Do ghosts exist only in our imagination or is there something to this seemingly huge phenomenon? People from all types…

3 months ago

Haunted America: The Ghosts of Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub in Seattle, Washington

If drinking a cold brewski in a haunted mortuary sounds fascinating then the Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub in Seattle,…

2 years ago

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