Otitis Media

Feline Ear Infection

Feline ear infections are usually easy to treat, but if they are not treated properly and promptly, the infection may…

2 weeks ago

Causes of Drainage from the Ears

Having fluid draining from your ear is certainly not something people are accustomed to experiencing. Medically this drainage is known…

1 month ago

Dealing with Your Deaf Cat

You call your cat and she won't come. Well, maybe she's just being her old stubborn self. You walk up…

2 months ago

Prevnar, the Pneumococcal Vaccine: What the Manufacturer’s Insert Tells Us

What is Pneumococcus? Pneumococcus is a bacteria commonly associated with pneumonia, but which can also cause meningitis, sinusitis, otitis media,…

2 months ago

Answers for Parents: Ear Tubes and Your Toddler

Many parents of toddlers have faced hearing the dreaded phrase "ear tubes" for their little ones. These tubes, technically called…

4 months ago

Possible Causes of an Earache

There are many potential causes of an earache. Most of these causes are related to either an infection or some…

2 years ago

How to Treat a Ruptured Eardrum

Inside your ear is very small and delicate membrane known as the eardrum, or tympanic membrane. This membrane serves as…

2 years ago

A Beginner’s Guide to the Measles

Red measles (rubeola, sarampiĆ³n) hasn't been widely seen for over a generation because the vaccine introduced in 1963 and the…

2 years ago

Why Are Children’s Earaches Worse at Night?

My son has been recently struggling to get over a nasty ear infection, one that keeps the rest of the…

3 years ago

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