
Poppy Seeds, Create Holiday Baking Memories

Everyone knows that poppy seeds come from the opium poppy, papaver somniferum. Opium comes from milking the unripe seed pods.…

6 days ago

Risks and Benefits of Anhydrous Morphine Used as a Painkiller

In January 2012 I injured my breastbone, or sternum, in a skiing accident in the Queyras natural park in the…

3 years ago

Britain’s Trade with China in the 15th to 19th Centuries

When Europeans first renewed trading with other Eurasians civilizations after the collapse of the Roman Empire, they had a particular…

3 years ago

Opium Use in Nineteenth Century British Literature

The use of opium has occurred for thousands of years throughout the world. The images and dreams induced by the…

4 years ago

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