Articles for tag: Opiate Addiction, Opiates, Suboxone

What You Need to Know About Suboxone Overdose

Suboxone overdose symptoms are very similar to the overdose symptoms for other opiates. The Suboxone is actually in the opiate family, but it is used to treat long-term opiate addicts. The drug is a combination of two medications, naloxone and buprenorphine, that block the opiate in the nervous system. Together, the drugs work to appease ...

Karla News

Methadone Clinics – What to Expect

Having an opiate addiction is awful. It’s expensive, secretive and vicious. It takes over your life. Countless hours are spent looking for pills, trying to find new sources to get pills from, figuring out ways to pay for the pills and coming up with lies to cover your addiction. There sometimes seems to be no ...

Opiate Detox Without the Withdrawal

I am a recovering opiate addict. I have been through the severe withdrawal symptoms that opiates cause in your body. They were painful, excruciating at times and I will never, ever be able to erase that experience from my mind. Here’s the thing…I consider that to be helpful in my recovery. The Slow Taper Method ...

Karla News

The First Week of Opiate Withdrawal

No one ever expects to grow up to become an addict. Many people developed an addiction to opiates/narcotics as a result of being prescribed them by a doctor for a legitimate purpose. For others, it is a gradual decline that we never see coming. Whatever the reason of your opiate addiction, you can get clean. ...