
Dealing with Candida in Women

Thrush or Candida is a type of fungal infection that affects the vaginal area. It is often accompanied by cystitis…

2 years ago

How to Deal with Pain During Breastfeeding

Most women experience some discomfort during breastfeeding, but some women find the pain excruciating or unbearable. There are many things…

3 years ago

The Many Types of Yeast Infections

Throughout your lifetime, you are bound to suffer at least one yeast infection. Contrary to the common belief, men are…

3 years ago

Cure for Thrush

As you read this, you will be relieved to learn that there is a permanent and safe cure for thrush.…

3 years ago

Is Thrush Contagious?

Thrush is a type of yeast infection that is caused by a bacteria called Candida. Many people have yeast on…

3 years ago

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